Guest Nappers #10 and #11

Ohhhh, do I have a great (super great) Friday surprise for you all.

You’ve seen solo naps. You’ve seen tandem naps.  But a tandem twin nap?  That is only possible thanks to the generous contribution of my friends Christy and Dave, who have identical twin boys (plus another boy…they deserve their own tandem naps. Stat.).

Two naps are better than one.

As you can see, these guys aren’t required to share a napping style just because they’re identical twins.  You know – one facedown and the other comfortably face…up?  I wonder if there was a cry of “Mom!  He’s kicking me!” before the snooze ensued.

Enjoy this gorgeous springlike day and dream of brotherly harmony.



  1. Guest Napper #10 (Or Maybe #11). Redux. « Naps Happen
  2. Guest Nappers #19…and #20 « Naps Happen
  3. Guest Napper #43 « Naps Happen
  4. Welcome, and Have a Nap! | Naps Happen

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