Naps Happen’s First Birthday!

It’s hard to believe it was a whole year ago that Brenna from Suburban Snapshots viewed my extensive Facebook album and said to me, “How is this not a blog?”

Since then, I’ve been gratified by the huge number of people who have graciously stopped by my blog day after day to see pictures of people who are just asleep. You all share my sense of humor, apparently, and I feel very fortunate to have your company.  A special thanks to those of you who have contributed your own naps to the collection.  It wouldn’t be as interesting without you!  Please keep sending your pictures to me so that we can keep having a laugh a few times a week. Sadly, my little guys won’t be nappers forever.

I don’t have anything super witty to say today, but I thought I would share a couple of the original naps…the ones that started the craze.  Keep coming back to see us in the coming year!

First weird nap ever. Bunny is sympathetic.


Rustic nap.

Perhaps the most famous nap of all!

Toy coma

Naps strengthen your core...

Go forth and rest up! It’s looking like it’ll be a banner year for exhaustion…


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